Mountain Day declared!

Day classes cancelled. Click for more info.箭头

If you're interested in education but don't want to teach, the 教育al Studies major is a great option.

Possible careers for 教育al Studies majors include all non-teaching positions in the schools, sales or promotional work with textbook publishers, and other education-related positions.

A major in 教育al Studies requires completion of one of the academic majors approved for teacher certification or in the case of Childhood 教育, either an approved major or an approved academic concentration. Students must also complete the professional 教育 courses in one of the certification areas (e.g.童年). Included in the professional courses is a six-credit hour internship. The 教育 Department, in conjunction with the Office of 职业生涯 服务, will determine appropriateness of the six-credit hour internship, but it will not consist of the student-teaching internship required for certification.

