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This article was first printed in this year's 校园 Magazine. 点击 在这里 to view the full magazine.

“T在这里’s so much you can do with a Math degreeSullivanLuallin Group的项目经理和调查分析师凯特·霍尔顿(Kate 霍尔顿)说.

包括霍尔顿在内的至少三位mg冰球突破豪华版下载Alumni都是如此. 她和15岁的艾米丽·哈迪-谢泼德以及18岁的迈克尔·麦考密克都主修数学, yet each of them went in very different career directions. The tie that binds them together? 他们在mg冰球突破豪华版下载学习数学时学到的解决问题的能力.

霍尔顿走了一条数学专业毕业生的典型职业道路. She became a statistician. 她帮助医疗机构进行调查,以深入了解患者满意度和医疗工作者的健康状况. She uses her math skills to then analyze the results.

“但除了数学,我可能还会用到很多解决问题和排除故障的技能,” she said.

霍尔顿 explained that her clients, who are researchers, will often do their own analysis and she double-checks the work. 当她发现错误时,她必须以试错的方式进行艰苦的挖掘,找出问题出在哪里. The work is similar to completing a peer review, 霍尔顿在mg冰球突破豪华版下载奥伯勒暑期研究项目中学到了什么.

“I use that experience a lot,” she said. “我们的项目不是正式的同行评议,但我们花了整个夏天的时间进行研究, trying to replicate results, and finding errors.”

麦考密克稍微偏离了典型的数学学位职业,进入了与数学相关的计算机科学领域. He is Chief Information Officer at Lourdes University. He joked, “I came to higher education and never left.”

麦考密克的角色需要大量的代数和应用数学技能才能成功. For example, 在为校园购买计算机设备时,他使用微分方程来确定投资的最佳回报. 他依靠指标和数据分析为他的主要利益相关者创建报告. 但麦考密克说,他的数学学位的真正价值在于它“教会了我如何思考.”

“With math, 我们知道有无数的问题,但解决它们的方法是有限的,” he said. “We learn how to approach problems in a methodical, uniform way.”

Hardy-Shephard echoed this sentiment often. “我的数学学位教会了我如何解决问题,以及如何用分析的方法来解决问题,” she said.

Hardy-Shephard是康宁公司科技部的营销传播主管. 她的职业显然不太适合数学专业,而更典型地与沟通相关, 英语, and Sociology degrees.

“有一个更线性的心态有助于制定时间表和完成最后期限, which are critical to a communications role,” she said.

And her math background has come in handy in other ways. 哈迪-谢泼德一直在追踪传播部门的指标,并帮助向投资者传达财务信息, who want information packaged in very straightforward terms. 用简单的方式传达如此复杂的信息绝非易事,需要对信息有深刻的理解. 在这里,她再次认为自己的数学学位给了她所需的技能.

“In class, we were pushed to question that 2+3 = 5,” she said. “我们被教导要理解为什么某些东西有效,而不仅仅是它有效.”

霍尔顿, McCormick, 和Hardy-Shephard都希望未来对数学感兴趣的学生能大胆地攻读数学学位.

“即使你热爱数学,但不知道自己是否想从事一份数学含量很高的工作, 你学习真正困难的东西的能力对雇主很有吸引力,” said 霍尔顿.


“Chances are when you graduate, 你的入门级工作和你退休后的工作是不一样的, 而你退休后的工作可能在今天根本不存在,” said McCormick. “That’s why it’s important to be a well-rounded individual.”

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