卡罗琳·菲利普斯(Carolyn Phillips), 25岁 政治科学 major at 埃尔迈拉大学, recently traveled with Dr. 吉姆·托姆布雷, Professor of 政治科学, and Autumn Walden, Assistant Professor of 刑事司法, 前往斯塔顿岛, New York to attend the New York State 政治科学 Association (NYSPSA) Annual Meeting. At the meeting they 展示了他们的论文, The Conch Republic and Beyond: Local Secession Movements in Law and American Politics.

The paper was well-received and Palgrave Macmillan Publishing asked for a proposal for the project's inclusion in the Palgrave Pivot series.

This was the first time Walden and Phillips presented original work during an academic conference.

"What a wonderful opportunity it was to meet scholars in person, some of whom I've heard discussed in class,菲利普斯说。.

"I came away inspired to continue this project and begin others," added Walden.

While there, Twombly participated in a "Meet the Authors" panel where he and his co-author, Dr. 丽莎K. Parshall of Daemen University, discussed their recent publication, Directing the Whirlwind: Deconstruction, 不信任, and the Future of American Democracy. 另外, Twombly was elected to his fourth term as Vice President of NYSPSA at the meeting of the Executive Board.

Alumnus Adam Pontius ’12 also attended the conference and presented a paper titled, 而威尔逊? Anti-imperialism, Race and Sovereignty at the Paris Peace Conference.
